Euroregion Elbe/Labe

»Probuzení« (Awakening) at Czech Film Wednesday

07.08.2024 • 20:00 • Zentralkino Dresden

Young people in the 1950s in one of the few good and socially critical films from that time

Jitka, an unskilled 16-year-old hairdresser, is a member of a group of "hooligans" who mainly want to dance rock'n'roll, hang out in Prague's restaurants, bars and dance halls and commit petty theft. She is sent to a youth hostel, but quickly runs away again and returns to the "gang". Their leader, Wilda, is her boyfriend. The waiter's apprentice Tonek takes a liking to Jitka. The girl reciprocates his feelings, but at the same time she doesn't want to drag him into the abyss. But her cronies have no scruples. So Tonek becomes a member of their gang...

This film offers a good insight into the 1950s in Czechoslovakia, into the all-determining authorities as well as into the relationship between the generations. At the same time, it illustrates the difficulties of making a good and even somewhat critical film in a country dominated by censorship, where art had to serve the construction of communism.


This film will be shown as part of the "Czech Film Wednesday" series, as always in the original version with German subtitles.

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(This is an automatic translation by DeepL Translator.)

Tickets and reservations

We only have a few films from the 1950s at Film Wednesday, which is simply because there are only a few good or popular Czechoslovak films from this decade. The reason for this is the ideological cultural policy and the strict censorship. Probuzení is one of the few exceptions, even if, from today's perspective, one has to overlook some of the platitudes and woodcut-like depictions, which were probably not unusual for the cinema of the time.

Here, too, the ideological focus is unfortunately superficial: The young people who like to dance rock'n'roll and don't want to submit to their parents' old-fashioned guidelines are all portrayed as hooligans without any morals to begin with. Then there is the poor fallen girl with the difficult family history and the good boy with family problems who allows himself to be drawn into the gang out of love. This façade probably also convinced the censors of the time.

However, if you take a closer look, there are a few cracks in it, especially from today's perspective. Young people making music with their own guitar and dancing to it would be viewed rather positively today. Their criminal energy seems artificial, as if young people with American music simply have to be thieves and robbers per se. Such a portrayal is likely to have only partially convinced the audience. Tonek's conflicts with his father and stepmother symbolize not only the generational conflict of the time, but also the conflict between young people and the authorities in a time of strict Stalinism. Many young people will have recognized themselves in this.

The film has a frame story in which director Jiří Krejčík had to embed the actual story against his will. However, this also seems like a foreign body and was probably easily seen through by the audience. Socialist optimism is spread, which doesn't fit the character of the film at all.

(This is an automatic translation by DeepL Translator.)

Czechoslovakia, 1959, 97 min

Written by: Jiří Krejčík

Cast: Jana Brejchová, Jan Šmíd, Petr Kostka, Jiří Kodet, Vladimír Menšík, Jiří Štíbr, Ladislav Pešek, Eva Šenková, Vlasta Chramostová, Marie Brožová

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


Zentralkino Dresden
Kraftwerk Mitte 16
01067 Dresden


Tel: +49 351 3107375


The Zentralkino is located on the grounds of the (Kultur-) Kraftwerk Mitte (see site plan, no. 16). There are entrances at Wettiner Platz, from Könneritzstraße and from Ehrlichstraße.

From "Bahnhof Mitte" directions_railway directions_bus it is about 350 m, from "Haltepunkt Freiberger Straße" directions_railway directions_bus about 500 m walk to the cinema. Various tram lines also stop at both stations. From the stop "Schweriner Straße" directions_railway directions_bus it is 400 m.

The large car park for Kraftwerk Mitte is located behind the railway embankment. Access is from Löbtauer Straße. From the car park you can get to the cinema through a passageway and via Könneritzstraße.

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