Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Usti nad Labem Christmas market

03.12.2023 • 17:30   –   21.12.2023 • 19:00

Usti nad Labem Christmas market

The traditional Christmas market on the Lidické náměstí square in front of the opera was redesigned this year. When selecting the stand operators, more attention was paid to ensuring that the vendors offered Christmas items. This also added to the Christmas atmosphere. As in previous years, the market consists of a market street with a podium where a program is offered every day. At the stands you can buy Christmas decorations, products made from sheep's wool, glass figures and the popular gingerbread hearts with a dedication. The food selection is somewhat limited and the drinks lack punch. Ústí also remains one of the few places where mulled wine is still served in disposable cups. But that should finally change next year. The prices are a big plus. The mulled wine (0.2 l) costs 60 crowns (approx. 2.50 euros), the cinnamon roll (trdelník) costs 100 crowns (4.10 euros) and the Bohemian boiled sausage (klobasa) costs 120 crowns (5.00 euros). ).

When : 03.-23. December

Where : Lidické name

Opening hours : 10 a.m. to 7 p.m


(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


Usti Christmas market
Usti nad Labem Christmas market
Velká hradební 400 01
400 01 Ústí nad Labem

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