Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Social Christmas Market Pirna-Sonnenstein

16.12.2023 • 14:00   –   17.12.2023 • 18:00

Socially oriented Christmas market with affordable offers

Christmas atmosphere at a low price is the motto of this market with a colorful stage program, craft and game offerings and various sales stands. A highlight in recent years has always been Santa Claus, who handed out gifts to the children at the market.

When : December 16/17, 2023

Where : Lebenshilfe site, Varkausring 108, Pirna-Sonnenstein

Opening hours : 2 p.m. - 6 p.m

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


Social Christmas Market Pirna-Sonnenstein
Varkausring 108
01796 Pirna

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