Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Fine Czech Republic: Lenka Reinerová - farewell to my mother

28.04.2022 • 19:30 • Zentralbibliothek Dresden

Author's reading and conversation Anna Fodorová: Lenka Reinerová - farewell to my mother

Translated from Czech by Christina Frankenberg

When: April 28, 2022, 7:30 p.m

Where: Central Library in the Kulturpalast Dresden

Admission: free, registration required at central

With a book table from Buchers Best

Lenka Reinerová was the last German-speaking author in Prague, the great lady of German-Czech literature, Jewish, and she survived them all until her death in Prague in 2008: Anna Seghers, Egon Erwin Kisch, Max Brod. She fled from the Nazis via Paris, Marseille and Casablanca to Mexico City, after her return she was imprisoned in Czechoslovakia as part of the Stalinist purges – without a doubt, Lenka Reinerová lived one of the most moving biographies of the past century.


In her book, which is as poetic as it is personal, her daughter Anna Fodorová, who now lives in London as a psychotherapist, bids farewell to her famous mother. It is the story of Lenka Reinerová's final years, it is a new encounter with the great lady of German-Czech literature, and it is a grown-up daughter's view of life with her mother - personal, poetic and deeply touching.


A cooperation of: Euroregion Elbe/Labe, Municipal Libraries Dresden, Czech Center Berlin and Czech Literature Center (ČLC).

Under the patronage of the Consul General of the Czech Republic in Dresden JUDr. Marketa Meissnerova.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


Zentralbibliothek Dresden
Schlossstr. 2
01067 Dresden


Tel: +49 351 8648233

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