Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Reading and discussion

30.06.2021 • 19:30 • Zentralbibliothek Dresden

Reading and discussion

Photo: Jiří Sobota

The fascinating story of the Czech shoe manufacturer Jan Antonín Baťa, who - fled from the National Socialists, vilified by the Communists - tried to live on his entrepreneurial ideals in Brazil by founding new cities and building factories in the middle of the jungle.

Markéta Pilátová follows in the footsteps of Baťa and his family and lets them tell of the struggle against the unruly tropical nature, of the pioneering spirit with which something new is created, but also of the longing for old Europe and the search for historical justice. A multi-voiced, shimmering novel mosaic - and at the same time a piece of 20th century history. (Wieser Verlag)
Translated from the Czech by Sophia Marzolff.

Markéta Pilátová, born 1973 in Kroměříž, studied Hispanic studies. For several years she lived in Brazil and Argentina, where she taught the descendants of Czech emigrants in Czech - this is how she came into contact with the Baťa family and gained insight into her personal archive. In addition to her literary work, she writes regularly as a journalist for well-known Czech newspapers and magazines.


Free entry | Registration required at


A cooperation between: Euroregion Elbe / Labe, Dresden City Libraries, Czech Literature Center (ČLC) and Czech Center Berlin.

Under the auspices of the Consul General of the Czech Republic in Dresden JUDr. Markéta Meissnerová.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


Zentralbibliothek Dresden
Schlossstr. 2
01067 Dresden


Tel: +49 351 8648233

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