Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Collegium 1704 & Collegium Vocale 1704: Bach - Zelenka - Handel

01.10.2021 • 18:00 • Kreuzkirche, Dresden

Ceremonial opening of the 23rd Czech-German Culture Days 2021

The renowned Prague baroque orchestra Collegium 1704 and vocal ensemble Collegium Vocale 1704, under the direction of Václav Luks, present a top-class program with works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Jan Dismas Zelenka and Georg Friedrich Händel. Whenever Johann Sebastian Bach devoted himself to any form of music, he achieved perfect mastery in it. This also applies to his six choir motets, most of which are intended for two choirs. The joyfully jubilant motets full of hope and devotion "Sing to the Lord" and "Come, Jesus, come" are among the jewels of vocal music. The remarkable collection of 27 responsories for Holy Week (Responsoria pro hebdomada sancta) from 1723 illustrates the ingenious approach to counterpoint and the emotional depth of the work of Jan Dismas Zelenka, the greatest Czech Baroque composer. The famous works of both masters are complemented by the recently discovered virtuoso liturgical cantata »Gloria« for solo soprano by Georg Friedrich Handel.


Admission: 20 (reduced 15) euros

Ticket sales through Reservix


Further concerts from the Collegium 1704 in Dresden: Musickbrücke Prague - Dresden 2021/22

A concert series that musically connects Prague and Dresden due to their common musical history.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


An der Kreuzkirche 1
01067 Dresden

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