Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Empathy and understanding. Working principles of the Prague photographer Libuše Jarcovjáková

30.09.2021 • 20:00 • riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden

Lecture & discussion

The Czech photo artist Libuše Jarcovjáková took photos in the Czech underground before 1989. After her departure in the 1980s, she lived and worked in West Berlin. She has been back in the Czech Republic since 1990. By presenting a selection of her photographs, the artist will be presented extensively for the first time in Dresden.
In an interview and lecture, she will report on her working principle of participatory observation.
The artist has pursued such a way of working since the 1970s as an expression of self-assertion in a restrictive society. She is often in the picture herself. She is particularly interested in social outsiders such as Roma or those with a different sexual orientation, but also in the Czech working world before 1989. Our exhibition focuses on a previously invisible part of her work - photographs of Roma in the Czech Republic before the transformation.
The lecture will take place in German. (

Speaker: Libuše Jarcovjáková

Moderation: Peter Bauer (Dresden)

Free entry, no registration required

Ms. Jarcovjáková will hold a workshop from October 1st - 3rd, 21st (registration required via, course number KKA 1776).

The offer takes place as part of the exhibition “My Roma People”, photographs by Libuše Jarcovjáková (Prague) from 1977-1983.

In cooperation with the gallery Emila Filly (Ústí nad Labem) and supported by Studio Klarheit Filmproduktion (Dresden).

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden
Adlergasse 12
01067 Dresden


Tel: +49 351 86602-11

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