Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Benefit reading with Radka Denemarková

25.11.2021 • 19:30 • Zentralbibliothek Dresden

Radka Denemarková reads from her novel "A Contribution to the History of Joy"

Soroptimist International, Club Dresden says NO to violence against women
and invites you to participate in the “Orange Days 2021” in cooperation with the Dresden City Libraries

on November 25, 2021 at 7.30 p.m. in the central library in the Kulturpalast

Benefit reading with Radka Denemarková

The freelance writer, playwright, screenwriter, essayist and translator of German literature RADKA DENEMARKOVÁ (* 1968) is one of the most important contemporary authors in the Czech Republic. Her books are published in 22 countries.

In Dresden she will read from her novel “A Contribution to the History of Joy” (from the Czech by Eva Profousová, Hoffman and Campe, Hamburg 2019). In her eloquent novel, she interweaves elements of the detective novel, fact and fiction into a harrowing panorama of violence against women. She impressively describes how defiant women set about straightening out the "raped century", healing battered bodies and seeking revenge for unpunished crimes.

In another text - written especially for the Dresden reading - the author deals with the topic of human rights. In the moderated discussion, the audience will of course also have the opportunity to ask questions.

Radka Denemarková - a traveler between disciplines - was the only winner to receive the prestigious Czech Magnesia Litera award four times: for the best novel of the year (2005), the best non-fiction book of the year (2008), the best translation of the year (2011) and the Book of the year (2019, hours made of lead).


Central library in the Kulturpalast, Schloßstraße 2, Dresden

Admission: 15 euros

The proceeds will go to the Frauenschutzhaus Dresden eV.

Tickets can be purchased at the Erich Kästner House for Literature, Antonstrasse 1, Dresden.
0351 8045087,,


Soroptimist International - A worldwide voice for women
Soroptimist International (SI) is one of the world's largest service organizations for working women with a socio-political commitment.
Soroptimists deal with questions of the legal, social and professional position of women and represent the position of women in public discussion.
You are committed to improving living conditions for women and girls. You act locally, regionally, nationally and globally.
Soroptimist International has around 70,000 members in over 2,900 clubs in 118 countries worldwide and is accredited as an NGO by the United Nations.
SI Club Dresden was founded in 1993 as the first SI Club in the new federal states. It currently has 31 members from a wide variety of professions.


(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


Zentralbibliothek Dresden
Schlossstr. 2
01067 Dresden


Tel: +49 351 8648233

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