Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Exhibition: Sebastian Weise - Pictures from the Schluckenauer Zipfel & Lada Semecká - Glasswork

05.09.2021 • 13:00 – 18:00 • Radfahrerkirche Wehlen, Stadt Wehlen

Combined exhibition of filigree glass works and photographs from the Schluckenauer tip

In the photo series "Two Souls Live - Pictures from the Schluckenauer Zipfel", the artist Sebastian Weise deals with his origins and the infinite possibilities of life paths and fates. He uses digital collage techniques to superimpose images from the Sudetenland - the homeland of his ancestors - with photographs of his own homeland and of places he traveled to.

In dialogue with his works are the meditative, poetic and dreamy pictures of the glass artist and designer Lada Semecká, which were created using the technique of glass fusion. The series of cloud images with the title »Kumori« symbolically evokes the question of the concept of home in the church area. These works complement interactive sound objects with the title »How it sounds«, which invite the viewer to reflect and contemplate.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


Radfahrerkirche Wehlen
Markt 7
01829 Stadt Wehlen

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