Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Martin Velíšek: »CHAIRS«

03.09.2021 • 19:00 • Kulturkulisse, Dresden

Vernissage of the furniture exhibition as part of the series "Design and Lifestyle in the ČSSR" (to be seen until October 31, 2021)

The chair plays an essential role in cultural history and has many interpretations. It is often an important part of the family history and is passed on. Together with it, the shared experiences and memories of the people who sat on it will be preserved forever. Pieces of furniture are also one of the focal points of countless works by the Greek-born painter Martin Velíšek who works in the Czech Republic. In his artistic work, which is based on the realistic language of form, the chair takes on a new dimension.

The exhibition is complemented by the spatial installation of a typical living room, which was to be found in Czechoslovakia from the 1960s to the 1980s. The supporting program also includes two lectures on the design and history of Czechoslovak household appliances and furniture from the 1960s to 1980s .

A cooperation of the Euroregion Elbe / Labe with the Kulturkulisse Dresden.


Vernissage: Fri. 3.9., 7 p.m.

Duration of the exhibition: 3.9.-31.10.2021

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


Altplauen 19h
01187 Dresden

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