Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Vernissage of the exhibition: »Glocal Emotions«

24.10.2020 • 19:00 • riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden

18th Art Symposium Currents/Proudĕní

The topic of "Glocal Emotions", a combination of the words global and local, is more present than ever today in times of Corona. How do we feel with all the restrictions imposed on us by this situation? Emotions are now expressed freely and publicly. In Prague, thousands of people demonstrated angrily on the streets for democracy and against corruption. For months, young people around the world called for more climate protection under the motto "Fridays for Future". Is it justified to continue to conduct these discussions neutrally and objectively, or are pain, grief and dismay not the appropriate emotions for the facts that have long been established? The exhibition shows works by Czech and German artists who have dealt with emotions and their effects.


Adlergasse 12, round corner, access via Wachsbleichstr. 4a

Duration: 26.10. – 20.11.2020

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10am-2pm and 4pm-8pm


Note: All events are SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Please note the current announcements on the homepage as well as the general regulations regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.


riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden
Adlergasse 12
01067 Dresden


Tel: +49 351 86602-11

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